Nieuwe editie Translatorium voor beginnende vertalers Pools aangekondigd

17 juni 2024 - Individuele begeleiding

Het Translatorium programma is ontwikkeld voor beginnend literair vertalers die vertalen in het Pools, met maximaal 1 gepubliceerd literair werk in hun portfolio. De aangeboden individuele begeleiding duurt 6 maanden, waarin de kandidaat wordt gementoreerd door een ervaren vertaler terwijl er wordt gewerkt aan één vertaling. Het Translatorium wordt mede dankzij steun van het ELV georganiseerd. Lees verder voor meer informatie over het programma en aanmelding.

grafische afbeelding van logo van Translatorium en de logos van de bijdragende partijen

Tekst gaat verder in het Engels.

Next to the 6 months of mentorship, the emerging translators will also attend a weekend of special seminars covering copyright law and the relationship between publishers and translators. The programme will conclude with a public presentation of the translations produced within the programme, approximately one standard page in length, to students of the Translation Studies Faculty at the Jagiellonian University.  

The aim of the programme is to train a new generation of translators to bring foreign-language masterpieces to the Polish reader, in order to guarantee high-quality translations of ambitious literature and also to popularise a wide range of world literature among Polish audiences. The programme also gives young translators the opportunity to network with publishers and professional colleagues. 

Participants in the programme are selected through an open, nationwide, two-stage competition ( 1. The candidates submit a sample translation for assessment; 2. Those whose translations qualify, are interviewed by a judging panel). 

The programme includes: 

  • Individual work with a mentor on a specific text that has not been translated before. Approximately 5–10 hours a month 
  • Learning about the publishing market and the professional environment. Weekend seminar series organized by the Translation Studies Faculty of the Jagiellonian University and the Polish Literary Translators’ Association, covering: first steps within the literary translation market; how the publishing market operates; and the basics of copyright law for translators.

Mentors participating in the 4th edition (2024/25): 

  • Katarzyna Sarek (Chinese)  
  • Jerzy Koch (Dutch)  
  • Anna Wasilewska (French)  
  • Tomasz Kwiecień (Italian)  
  • Wojciech Charchalis (Portuguese) 
  • Joanna Kornaś-Warwas (Romanian) 

The deadline for submitting applications is October 15. 

For more information in Polish click here>> 

The Translatorium mentoring programme is organized by the Kraków Festival Bureau (which runs the Kraków UNESCO City of Literature programme), the Translation Studies Faculty of the Jagiellonian University and the Polish Literary Translators’ Association. 

Our programme partners are: Nanjing Creative Center, the Institut Français in Poland, Literatuur Vlaanderen, the Dutch Foundation for Literature, the Center for Expertise in Literary Translation, the Embassy of Brazil in Warsaw, the Instituto Guimarães Rosa, the Romanian Cultural Institute and the Italian Cultural Institute in Kraków.